PostgreSQL Patch Tester

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Here lives an experimental bot that converts email threads that are registered in the Commitfest system into branches on Github, collates test results from Cirrus CI, and posts the results to the Commitfest system. Key: or = new/recently changed, or = stable, needs rebase but previous build was successful, = working.

Newsflash: This page is no longer the best place to see Commitfest CI results. Check the Commitfest system itself.

Ready for Committer

52/5184 [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or C...   D H          
52/5405 Add 'make check-tests' behavior to the meson based builds   D H          
52/5325 Add sortsupport for range types and btree_gist   D H          
52/5526 Add storage I/O tracking to EXPLAIN BUFFERS   D H          
52/4237 Add XMLCanonicalize function   D H          
52/5431 Add XMLDocument (SQL/XML X030)   D H          
52/5456 Add XMLNamespaces option to XMLElement    D H          
52/4412 Client authentication via OAuth 2.0   D H          
52/5190 CREATE SUBSCRIPTION - add missing test case   D H          
52/5537 Doc fix of aggressive vacuum threshold for multixact members storage   D H          
52/5418 Doc: fix the rewrite condition when executing ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN    D H          
52/5546 Document how commit handles aborted transactions   D H          
52/5381 explain pgstatindex fragmentation   D H          
52/5189 Expose the acquired_by parameter to the pg_replication_origin_session_setup func...   D H          
52/4945 Extend ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES for large objects   D H          
52/4959 Fix BackgroundPsql to report error on query timeout rather than calling die   D H          
52/5195 Index AM API cleanup   D H          
52/4291 Logging parallel worker draught   D H          
52/5459 Parallel tests publication and subscription might fail due to concurrent tuple u...   D H          
52/5409 postgres_fdw could deparse ArrayCoerceExpr   D H          
52/5291 Remove an unnecessary check on semijoin_target_ok() on postgres_fdw.c   D H          
52/5149 Remove duplicated smgrclose call   D H          
52/5390 Sampling in pg_stat_statements   D H          
52/4718 Set log_lock_waits=on by default   D H          
52/4627 Special-case executor expression steps for common combinations   D H          
52/5170 Thread-safe nl_langinfo(), localeconv(), check_locale()   D H          
52/5272 Truncate logs by max_log_size   D H        
52/5341 Use "protocol options" name instead of "protocol extensions" everywhere   D H          
52/5162 Use read streams in autoprewarm   D H          
52/5522 Windows meson build   D H          

Needs review

52/4971 [CREATE|RE] INDEX CONCURRENTLY with single heap scan and short-term resetting sh...    D H        
52/3478 AcquireExecutorLocks() and run-time pruning   D H          
52/5499 Add --no-policies to pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore    D H          
52/5508 Add -k/--link option to pg_combinebackup    D H          
52/5514 Add a function to get the version of installed extension   D H          
52/5576 Add function - pg_accept_connections_start_time()   D H          
52/5524 add function argument name to substring and substr   D H          
52/5465 Add maintainer-defined module info into shared library    D H          
52/5552 Add missing tab complete for VACUUM and ANALYZE ONLY option   D H          
52/5360 Add NetBSD and OpenBSD OSes to Postgres CI   D H          
52/4736 Add new protocol message to change GUCs to be able to change protocol extension ...   D H          
52/5396 Add Option to Check All Addresses For Matching target_session_attr   D H          
52/5493 Add pg_buffercache_evict_all() and pg_buffercache_mark_dirty[_all]() functions   D H          
52/3659 Add SPLIT PARTITION/MERGE PARTITIONS commands   D H          
52/5110 Add XMLCast (SQL/XML X025)   D H          
52/5279 Add XMLSerialize: version (SQL/XML X076), explicit declaration (SQL/XML X078)    D H          
52/5433 Adding a '--two-phase' option to 'pg_createsubscriber' utility.   D H          
52/5498 Adding extension default version to \dx    D H          
52/5500 Adding support for SSLKEYLOGFILE in the frontend    D H        
52/5429 Adopt <inttypes.h> macros in format strings.   D H        
52/5176 Allow casting between bytea and integer types   D H          
52/5249 Allow CI to only run the compiler warnings task   D H        
52/5541 Allow pg_createsubscriber to drop replication objects from new subscriber   D H          
52/5246 Allow SQL functions use CachedPlan machinery   D H          
52/5505 Allow to use an index for ILIKE in more cases    D H        
52/5565 allow to use standard syntax for named arguments for plpgsql cursor arguments   D H          
52/3733 Amcheck verification of GiST and GIN   D H        
52/4942 Avoid orphaned objects dependencies, take 3   D H          
52/4874 BitmapHeapScan table AM violation removal (and use streaming read API)    D H          
52/5438 bt_index_parent_check false alarm for indexes created concurrently   D H          
52/5454 Bug: mdunlinkfiletag unlinks mainfork seg.0 instead of indicated fork+segment   D H          
52/5570 Bump soft open file limit (RLIMIT_NOFILE) to hard limit on startup   D H          
52/5567 Change log level for notifying hot standby is waiting non-overflowed snapshot   D H          
52/5509 Coccinelle for PostgreSQL development   D H        
52/5301 Collation and ctype method tables and extension hooks   D H          
52/5378 Conflict detection for update_deleted in logical replication   D H          
52/5533 COPY materialized view TO   D H          
52/4529 CREATE SUBSCRIPTION ... SERVER   D H        
52/5535 Cross-type index comparison support in contrib/btree_gin   D H          
52/4766 data loss bug in initial sync of logical replication   D H          
52/1608 declarative session variables, LET command   D H          
52/5410 Disable installcheck for tap and regress tests for injection_points module    D H        
52/5547 Doc: Create table improvements   D H
52/5088 Doc: Improve hostssl related descriptions and option presentation   D H
52/5425 doc: Mention clock synchronization recommendation for hot_standby_feedback   D H          
52/5087 Doc: Move and modify standalone hot backups section    D H          
52/5502 DOCS for generated column replication   D H          
52/5548 Document custom settings more consistently   D H          
52/5549 Document hostssl related concepts better   D H
52/5086 Document NULL Concepts and Behaviors   D H          
52/5483 Don't dirty pages while they are getting flushed out    D H        
52/5558 Draft for basic NUMA observability    D H          
52/5575 Elimination of the repetitive code at the SLRU bootstrap functions   D H          
52/5479 Enable logical decoding when wal_level = 'replica' without a server restart    D H          
52/5566 Enhance 'pg_createsubscriber' to retrieve databases    D H          
52/5355 Enhance memory context statistics reporting for all PostgreSQL processes.    D H          
52/5262 ensure we have a snapshot when dropping an index concurrently   D H          
52/5487 Exists pull-up application with JoinExpr    D H          
52/5556 Expanding HOT updates for expression and partial indexes    D H          
52/5501 EXPLAIN ANALYZE rows=%.f   D H          
52/5525 explain plans for foreign servers    D H          
52/5581 Extend postgres_fdw_get_connections to return remote backend pid    D H          
52/5517 Extended Statistics set/restore/clear functions   D H        
52/5018 Extension security improvement: Add support for extensions with an owned schema   D H          
52/5568 Fix race conditions   D H          
52/5542 Fix buffer pining logic in [SP-]Gist   D H          
52/5379 Fix bug with accessing to temporary tables of other sessions   D H          
52/5365 Fix creation of empty .log files during log rotation   D H          
52/5582 fix for bug #18815   D H          
52/5468 Fix logging for invalid recovery timeline   D H          
52/5555 Fix Potential Memory Leak in pg_amcheck Code   D H          
52/5199 Fix standby may crash when switching-over in certain special cases    D H          
52/5470 Function scan FDW pushdown    D H          
52/5098 gamma() and lgamma() functions   D H        
52/5511 Get rid of WALBufMappingLock   D H          
52/5482 handle batch explosion in hash joins    D H          
52/5029 Historic snapshot doesn't track txns committed in BUILDING_SNAPSHOT state   D H          
52/4460 Implement row pattern recognition feature   D H          
52/5583 Improve ACL checks in pg_prewarm for indexes   D H          
52/5545 Improve CRC32C performance on SSE4.2   D H          
52/5519 Improve verification of recovery_target_timeline GUC.   D H          
52/5550 Improvements for pg_wal_replay_wait()   D H          
52/5070 Incorrect error message for cancellation triggered by statement_timeout & flaky ...   D H          
52/5448 Incorrect result of bitmap heap scan.   D H        
52/5093 Incremental Sort Cost Estimation Instability   D H          
52/4351 Index Prefetching   D H        
52/5091 inplace update: send nontransactional invalidations    D H          
52/5274 Introduce the ability to enable/disable indexes using ALTER INDEX   D H        
52/4770 Introduce XID age and inactive timeout based replication slot invalidation    D H          
52/5577 Invalid cached plan in check_foreign_key; cascade update in check_primary_key; r...   D H          
52/5532 Issues with 2PC at recovery: CLOG lookups and GlobalTransactionData   D H          
52/5160 Issues with ON CONFLICT UPDATE and REINDEX CONCURRENTLY   D H        
52/5361 Let an Append to consider a tuple fraction when choosing fractional subpaths   D H          
52/5251 libpq: Fix processing of SSL records >8kB on async API   D H          
52/5442 Log connection establishment timings   D H          
52/5447 log_min_messages per backend type    D H          
52/5330 Logging plan of the currently running query   D H          
52/4681 Make COPY format extendable: Extract COPY TO format implementations   D H          
52/5166 Make ECPG locale usage thread-safe    D H          
52/5205 Make MultiXactOffset 64-bit type    D H          
52/5569 Make pg_trgm aware the default 'char' signedness difference in cross-arch replic...   D H             
52/5114 MergeJoin beats HashJoin in the case of multiple hash clauses   D H          
52/5584 moving some code out of explain.c   D H          
52/5081 nbtree skip scan    D H          
52/4688 New [relation] options engine   D H
52/5044 new plpgsql.extra_errors check - strict_expr_check   D H          
52/5495 Non-text mode for pg_dumpall   D H          
52/5571 noreturn attribute for MSVC, C11   D H          
52/5285 NOT ENFORCED constraint feature   D H          
52/5574 Optimization for lower(), upper(), casefold() functions.   D H          
52/5369 optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade   D H          
52/5494 Optimizing FastPathTransferRelationLocks()   D H          
52/5486 Optionally record Plan IDs to track plan changes for a query   D H          
52/5326 Parallel heap vacuum   D H        
52/5492 per backend WAL statistics   D H          
52/2837 pg_stat_statements and "IN" conditions   D H          
52/5512 pg_stat_statements: improve loading and saving routines for the dump file.    D H          
52/5563 pg_upgrade check for Unicode update   D H          
52/5473 Proposal: Progressive explain   D H          
52/4814 psql meta-command conninfo+   D H          
52/5488 read stream on amcheck   D H          
52/4964 Reduce the log spam by excluding certain SQLSTATEs   D H          
52/5561 Reduce TupleHashEntryData struct size by half    D H          
52/4564 Reducing memory consumed by RestrictInfo list translations in partitionwise join...   D H          
52/3701 Reducing planning time when tables have many partitions   D H          
52/5455 refactor AlterDomainAddConstraint (alter domain add constraint)   D H          
52/5250 Refactor SLRU to always use long file names   D H          
52/5043 Remove self join on a unique column   D H          
52/5579 Remove wal_[sync|write][_time] from pg_stat_wal and track_wal_io_timing    D H          
52/5283 Replace IN VALUES with ANY in WHERE clauses during optimization    D H          
52/4997 Return pg_control from pg_backup_stop().   D H          
52/5534 SCRAM pass-through authentication for dblink connections   D H          
52/4677 Sequence Access Methods, round two   D H
52/5539 Show plperl version in the meson setup summary screen.    D H          
52/5183 Showing primitive index scan count in EXPLAIN ANALYZE (for skip scan and SAOP sc...   D H          
52/5573 sinvaladt.c: remove msgnumLock   D H          
52/5515 split func.sgml to separated individual sgml files   D H          
52/5513 SQL function which allows to distinguish a server being in point in time recover...   D H
52/4904 SQL Property Graph Queries (SQL/PGQ)   D H          
52/4308 SQL:2011 application time   D H          
52/5214 SQL:2023 JSON simplified accessor support    D H          
52/5553 starjoin join order planning    D H          
52/4538 Statistics Import and Export    D H           
52/4735 Support a wildcard in backtrace_functions   D H          
52/5528 Support for NO INHERIT to INHERIT state change with named NOT NULL constraints    D H          
52/5554 Support NOT VALID / VALIDATE constraint options for named NOT NULL constraints    D H          
52/5209 Support POSITION with nondeterministic collations   D H          
52/5578 support virtual generated column not null constraint   D H          
52/5538 SVE enablement for hex-encode and hex-decode   D H          
52/5520 SVE enablement for pop-count   D H          
52/5111 Synchronization of sequences to subscriber   D H          
52/5318 System views for versions reporting    D H          
52/4690 Teach predtest about IS [NOT] <boolean> proofs   D H          
52/4956 Test to dump and restore objects left behind by regression    D H          
52/5536 tests for pg_stat_progress_copy.tuples_skipped   D H          
52/5530 TOAST is acronym so should be uppercase   D H          
52/5320 Trigger more frequent autovacuums for insert-heavy tables   D H          
52/5472 Unicode 16 update   D H          
52/5562 Use Bump allocator for HashAgg   D H
52/5416 Use Python "Limited API" in PL/Python   D H          
52/5327 Use read_stream in index vacuum   D H        
52/5444 using index to speedup add not null constraints to a table   D H          
52/5012 Vacuum statistics    D H          
52/5523 vacuumdb changes for stats import/export   D H          

Waiting on Author

52/4720 "unexpected duplicate for tablespace" problem in logical replication    D H          
52/4913 Add extension_destdir GUC   D H          
52/5294 Add “FOR UPDATE NOWAIT” lock details to the log.   D H          
52/5407 Add Pipelining support to psql    D H          
52/5543 Add regression tests of ecpg command notice (error / warning)   D H          
52/5227 AIO   D H        
52/5319 Changing shared_buffers without restart    D H          
52/5146 Clarify the behavior of AT TIME ZONE   D H          
52/5151 DirtyScanshot index scan skips concurrently updated tuples   D H        
52/5504 Don't ignore recovery conflict interrupt on blocked writing    D H        
52/4980 Expand applicability of aggregate's sortop optimization   D H        
52/5303 Fix for consume_xids advancing XIDs incorrectly   D H          
52/5268 Fix incorrect Assert in gistFindCorrectParent()    D H          
52/5276 Fix race between WAL flush and InstallXLogFileSegment()   D H          
52/5124 Fix rare checksum failure in EXEC_BACKEND LocalProcessControlFile()   D H
52/4884 Fix rare recovery shutdown hang   D H        
52/4337 Incremental View Maintenance (IVM), take 2   D H
52/4871 KNN-btree   D H
52/5386 Log LSN before table is dropped   D H          
52/5481 Modern SHA2- based password hashes for pgcrypto   D H          
52/4748 Network failure may prevent promotion   D H
52/4966 Parallel CREATE INDEX for GIN indexes   D H          
52/4573 pg_ctl start may return 0 even if the postmaster has been already started on Win...   D H        
52/4974 pg_stat_activity: make slow/hanging authentication more visible   D H          
52/5206 pg_upgrade: Support for upgrading to checksums enabled   D H          
52/5105 Prevent incorrect entries in pg_stat_activity.   D H          
52/5154 psql client does not handle WSAEWOULDBLOCK on Windows   D H          
52/5007 relfilenode statistics    D H        
52/5397 revamp row-security tracking   D H          
52/5441 Separate GUC for replication origins   D H          
52/5359 Showing applied extended statistics in explain Part2   D H          
52/4986 WAL_LOG CREATE DATABASE strategy broken for non-standard page layouts   D H          
52/5060 windows compilation fails when gssapi & openssl are enabled   D H