PostgreSQL Patch Tester

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Here lives an experimental bot that converts email threads that are registered in the Commitfest system into branches on Github, and collates test results from Cirrus CI. Key: or = new/recently changed, or = stable, needs rebase but previous build was successful, = working.

Needs review

50/5299 Limiting overshoot in nbtree SAOP parallel index scans Matthias van de Meent   D H        
50/3672 nbtree performance improvements through specialization on key shape Matthias van de Meent   D H
50/4638 nbtree: downlink right separator/HIKEY optimization Matthias van de Meent   D H        
50/4635 nbtree: implement dynamic prefix truncation Matthias van de Meent   D H        

Waiting on Author

50/4980 Expand applicability of aggregate's sortop optimization Matthias van de Meent    D H        
50/4986 WAL_LOG CREATE DATABASE strategy broken for non-standard page layouts Matthias van de Meent   D H