PostgreSQL Patch Tester

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Here lives an experimental bot that converts email threads that are registered in the Commitfest system into branches on Github, and collates test results from Cirrus CI. Key: or = new/recently changed, or = stable, needs rebase but previous build was successful, = working.

Ready for Committer

51/5158 Blast-RADIUS mitigation Thomas Munro   D H        
51/4240 Cross-database SERIALIZABLE safe snapshots Thomas Munro   D H
51/4314 Unlinking Parallel Hash Join inner batch files sooner Thomas Munro   D H        

Needs review

51/5429 Adopt <inttypes.h> macros in format strings. Thomas Munro   D H        
51/3772 BCP 47 locale names for Windows Thomas Munro   D H        
51/4886 CREATE DATABASE ... STRATEGY=FILE_CLONE Thomas Munro, Nazir Bilal Yavuz   D H        
51/5242 Fix RelationTruncate() corruption Robert Haas, Thomas Munro    D H        
51/5118 SendProcSignal(), SetLatch() → SendInterrupt() Heikki Linnakangas, Thomas Munro   D H        
51/3998 SetLatches() Thomas Munro   D H        
51/5089 Streaming Vacuum Thomas Munro, Melanie Plageman   D H        
51/5399 Windows pg_basebackup unable to create >2GB pg_wal.tar tarballs ("could not clos... Thomas Munro, davinder singh, Jakub Wartak    D H        

Waiting on Author

51/5276 Fix race between WAL flush and InstallXLogFileSegment() Thomas Munro   D H        
51/5124 Fix rare checksum failure in EXEC_BACKEND LocalProcessControlFile() Thomas Munro   D H        
51/4884 Fix rare recovery shutdown hang Thomas Munro   D H        
51/5166 Make ECPG locale usage thread-safe Thomas Munro   D H        
51/5170 Thread-safe nl_langinfo(), localeconv(), check_locale() Thomas Munro   D H